for your micro business.
Knockout copywriting
Website standing still? Don't get left behind.
We deliver excellence in writing for small businesses. Work with us to hone your tone and connect with new customers online.
Entire website copy from scratch. Content rewrites and refreshers. All with SEO in mind.

How we help small businesses with their writing
Copywriting – fill your website with SEO-friendly feature pages and blog posts
Copy edits – refresh your existing content so it’s a better fit for your business, and your audience
Content strategy – grow your online presence with new content that your customers want to see
Business storytelling – stand out as an authentic authority in what you do, and reap the business rewards.
Boost your brand online with expert copywriting
Wowing your customers with your website is only step 1 in the great chase for customers online.
Step 2? Your written content, aka copy. It’s where your brand lives and thrives. It’s where you build intrigue, appreciation and authority in the eyes of your customers.
For all the advances in AI and automation we’ve seen, the written word remains the beating heart of any great website. For small businesses especially, it’s a chance to stand out as an authentic voice in amongst all the noise and chatter online.
Customers are getting savvier all the time. Traditional forms of advertising are on the wane. People just don’t want to be bombarded anymore. They’re quick to spot corporate pandering, too. Instead they’re on the lookout for genuine personality – a mission and a message they can relate to and feel a part of.
And personality starts with great copywriting.
Copywriting for small business
– how we match creativity with purpose
Why is copywriting so important for small businesses online? Because it’s a source of competitive advantage. Get your writing right, and you’ll beat your rivals to the consumer punch.
Great written content isn’t just style over substance. It’s style with substance. Here’s why.
Substance gets you noticed.
Even the best writing online means nothing if no-one can find it. That’s where SEO comes in.
In traditional digital agencies, it’s commonplace for copywriting and SEO to be handled by two different departments. The creatives do the copy; the techies do the SEO. And never the twain shall meet.
We don’t see it that way.
For us, copywriting and SEO are two sides of the small business marketing coin. We start writing with SEO in mind. It saves us time and you money. It means customers will find you more quickly online, and be bowled over by your brand.
We write clean and lean. No window dressing. Just genuine, authentic content that’s true to you and your business. It’s a disciplined take on creativity. And it’ll turn your one wo/man band into a megastar brand.
Style gets you paid.
Your writing style sets you apart. This is especially important for small businesses and startups online. You’re not like the bigger corporate brands, all hogtied and hamstrung by strict style guidelines. This means you can speak more directly to your customers and build instant rapport.
You can tune them in when everyone else zones them out.
Google know this. Their own search algorithms are being geared more and more towards voice search, as new assistant technologies like Alexa explode in popularity. (It is 4 times faster than typing, after all.) The upshot? Google searches are becoming more nuanced and attuned to how we actually speak, rather than what we’d type into a search bar.
So the more human your writing, the happier the Google search bots will be. And that’s more customers through your door, and more money in your till.